Amiga Format CD 22
Amiga Format AFCD22 (Jan 1998, Issue 106).iso
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Text File
394 lines
; This file contains the 3 pop-up on Right-Mouse-Button click GUIs.
; This is the RMB pop-up gui (i.e. pops up on clicking the Right Mouse Button)
WinBig 0 0 80 105 ""
WinType 00001000
winonmouse 30 22
varpath dir.gc
guiclose Dir.g
guiclose Dir.g
xOnOpen ; upon opening the window
id = $$lv.id ; get the listview's id
if $id < 1
id = 1
if $id = 2 ; set the copy/move gadgets pointing
setgad Dir.g 1 HIDE ; correctly according to the LV's id.
setgad Dir.g 2 HIDE
setgad Dir.g 11 show
setgad Dir.g 22 show
destid = 1 ; store destination lv id
setgad Dir.g 11 HIDE
setgad Dir.g 22 HIDE
setgad Dir.g 1 show
setgad Dir.g 2 show
destid = 2
redraw Dir.g
lvuse dir.gc $destid ; use the destination lv
destdir = $$lv.dir ; store the destination dir
lvuse dir.gc $id ; restore the source lv
;=============================== Next GUI button
xbutton 0 0 0 15 More..
guiopen Dir.g3 ; open an other gui with more options
guiclose Dir.g
;=============================== copy button
xbutton 0 15 0 15 Copy->
gadhelp 'Copy files from LEFT to RIGHT listview'
gadid 1
gosub Dir.g copy
xbutton 0 15 0 15 <-Copy
gadhelp 'Copy files from RIGHT to LEFT listview'
gadid 11
gosub Dir.g copy
xroutine copy
guiclose Dir.g
lvaction copy $destdir ; copy all selected files/dirs
lvuse dir.gc $destid
lvdir refresh ; refresh destination
;============================= copy new files (same logic as copy)
xbutton 0 30 0 15 "Copy New"
gadhelp 'Only copy newer files'
guiclose Dir.g
lvaction copynew $destdir ; same as copy, above
lvuse dir.gc $destid
lvdir refresh
;=============================== Move (same logic as copy)
xbutton 0 45 0 15 Move->
gadhelp 'Move selected files'
gadid 2
gosub Dir.g move
xbutton 0 45 0 15 <-Move
gadhelp 'Move selected files'
gadid 22
gosub Dir.g move
xroutine move
guiclose Dir.g
lvaction move $destdir
lvuse dir.gc $destid
lvdir refresh
;============================== delete
xbutton 0 60 0 15 Delete
gadhelp 'Delete selected Files/Directories'
guiclose Dir.g
lvaction delete REQ
;============================= rename
; This routine reads the dir listview in the normal first/next method
; using the lvmulti command and passes the files to guis:tools/rtn/GetString
; GetString calls the routine "ren" for every file..
xbutton 0 75 0 15 Rename
gadhelp 'Rename selected files'
guiclose Dir.g
lvuse dir.gc $id
lvmulti first ; get the first record
renfile = $dir.gc/lv_file ; store name to be safe
if $renfile > ' '
guiload guis:tools/rtn/GetString "Rename $renfile :" "$renfile" dir.g ren multi
xRoutine ren newname
rename $renfile $newname
lvuse dir.gc $id
lvmulti off
extract newname file newname
lvput $newname
lvmulti next ; get the next record
renfile = $dir.gc/lv_file
if $renfile > ' '
guiload guis:tools/rtn/GetString "Rename $renfile :" "$renfile" dir.g ren multi
lvdir refresh
guiquit GetString
;============================== makedir
xbutton 0 90 0 15 MakeDir
gadhelp 'Create a Directory'
tempdir = $$lv.dir
if $tempdir[-1][1] = ":" ; add the / if not a device
or $tempdir[-2][2] = ':\"' ; taking care of quotes
elseif $tempdir[-1][1] = '\"'
tempdir[-1][1] = '/'
appvar tempdir '\"'
appvar tempdir '/'
guiload guis:tools/rtn/GetString "Create Directory:" "$dir.g/tempdir" dir.g mkdir
xroutine mkdir ; called by getstring as above
makedir $$arg.0
lvdir refresh ; hoping it's still the same listview..
NEWFILE dir.g3 ; The more.. gui (from the RMB pop-up gui)
WinBig 0 0 160 105 ""
WinType 00001000
winonmouse 50 8
varpath dir.gc/cli.gc/fsearch.gc
guiclose Dir.g3
guiclose Dir.g3
id = $$LV.ID ; Get the id of the current lvdir
setwintitle dir.g3 "" ; because ezreq will change the wintitle..
;================================ buttons (left bank)
xbutton 0 0 40 15 << ; previous
guiopen dir.g
guiclose dir.g3
xbutton 40 0 40 15 >> ; next
guiopen dir.g4
guiclose dir.g3
xbutton 0 15 80 15 View
gadhelp 'View selected files according to their type'
guiclose dir.g3
lvuse dir.gc $id
lvmulti first
while $lv_file > ""
guiload guis:tools/rtn/getfiletype $dir.gc/lv_file
filetype = $$ret.0
if $filetype != NONE
guiload guis:tools/rtn/ViewFile $dir.gc/lv_file $dir.g3/filetype CLI
lvmulti next
xbutton 0 30 80 15 Protect
gadhelp 'Protect selected files'
guiclose dir.g3
guiload :dir.prot
guiopen dir.prot
xbutton 0 45 80 15 Size
gadhelp 'Show & sum size of selected items'
guiclose dir.g3
lvuse dir.gc $id
lvaction SIZE lv_size
SetWinTitle dir.gc '$lv_size bytes of $$lv.dir '
xbutton 0 60 80 15 Assign
gadhelp 'Assign Current directory'
tempdir = $$lv.dir
guiclose dir.g3
guiload guis:tools/rtn/GetString "Assign $dir.g3/tempdir as:" "" dir.g3 asn
xroutine asn ; called by getstring as above
assign $$arg.0 $tempdir
xbutton 0 75 80 15 'CliGui'
gadhelp 'Open Guis:tools/cli.gc'
cd $$lv.dir
guiclose dir.g3
guiload guis:tools/cli.gc "" CLI ; will open itself
xbutton 0 90 80 15 Shell
gadhelp 'Open a new Shell'
guiclose dir.g3
cd $$LV.DIR
run 'newshell "con:0/150/680/120/Gui4Cli/auto/close"'
; ------------------ Buttons right bank
xbutton 80 0 80 15 User..
gadhelp 'Open the Dir/Dir.user pop-up gui'
guiload :dir.user
guiclose dir.g3
xbutton 80 15 80 15 Search
gadhelp 'Search for files and/or text in current dir'
guiclose dir.g3
; store it here, because gui has lv and will loose it..
spath = $$lv.dir
guiload guis:g4c/fsearch/fsearch.gc $dir.g3/spath
xbutton 80 30 80 15 Replace
gadhelp 'Replace text in selected files'
guiclose dir.g3
guiload :dir.rep
guiopen dir.rep
xbutton 80 45 80 15 ReWrap
gadhelp 'Re-Wrap selected files'
guiclose dir.g3
guiload :dir.wrap
xbutton 80 60 80 15 "AddIcon"
gadhelp 'Add icons (if icon for file type exists in guis:tools/icons/def)'
guiclose dir.g3
lvuse dir.gc $id
lvmulti first
while $lv_file > ''
if $lv_file[-1][1] = '\"' ; care for possible quotes
fname = $lv_file
fname[-1][1] = '.'
fname = '$fname\info\"'
fname = $lv_file\.info
if $$lv.type == DIR
copy guis:tools/icons/def/DRAWER.info $fname
guiload guis:tools/rtn/getfiletype $dir.gc/lv_file
filetype = $$ret.0
infoname = "guis:tools/icons/def/$filetype\.info"
ifexists file $infoname
copy $infoname $fname
lvmulti off
lvmulti next
lvdir refresh
xbutton 80 75 80 15 ""
xbutton 80 90 80 15 ""
NEWFILE dir.g4 ; The more->more.. gui (from the RMB pop-up gui)
; Define your own functions here...
WinBig 0 0 160 105 ""
WinType 00001000
winonwin Dir.g3 0 0
varpath dir.gc
guiclose Dir.g4
guiclose Dir.g4
;================================ buttons (left bank)
xbutton 0 0 80 15 <<
guiopen dir.g3
guiclose dir.g4
xbutton 0 15 80 15 Calc
gadhelp 'Load Guis:tools/calc.gc'
guiclose dir.g4
guiload guis:tools/calc.gc
xbutton 0 30 80 15 Lock
gadhelp 'Load Guis:tools/lock.gc'
guiclose dir.g4
guiload :dir.lock
xbutton 0 45 80 15 PPShow
gadhelp 'Open Gui for the PPShow graphics player'
guiclose dir.g4
guiload :dir.ppshow
xbutton 0 60 80 15 'Palette'
gadhelp 'Opens the Palette gui'
guiclose dir.g3
guiload guis:tools/palette.gc
xbutton 0 75 80 15 GfxCon
gadhelp 'Opens gui for GfxCon picture converter'
guiclose dir.g4
guiload :dir.gfxcon
xbutton 0 90 80 15 Avail
gadhelp 'Opens Gui for showing memory usage'
guiclose dir.g4
guiload :dir.avail
; ------------------ Buttons right bank
xbutton 80 0 80 15 'LHa Pack'
gadhelp 'Pack Selected files'
guiclose dir.g4
guiload :dir.lha
xbutton 80 15 80 15 'XPK'
gadhelp 'Load gui for XPK packers'
guiclose dir.g4
guiload :dir.xpack
xbutton 80 30 80 15 ""
xbutton 80 45 80 15 "GuiEdit" ; start up a gui editor kind of thing..
gadhelp "Open gui with gadgets for copying (it'll get better..)"
guiclose dir.g4
guiload guis:tools/guiedit.gc
guiopen guiedit.gc
xbutton 80 60 80 15 Config
gadhelp 'Loads the configuration gui'
guiclose dir.g4
guiload guis:tools/config.gc
xbutton 80 75 80 15 Help
gadhelp 'Loads the dir.gc guide'
extract dir.gc guipath lv_path
joinfile $lv_path dir.guide lv_guide
run '$*DEF.GUIDE $lv_guide'
delvar lv_path
delvar lv_guide
xbutton 80 90 80 15 Quit
guiclose dir.g4
ezreq "QUIT ???!!..\nWho, me ?\n" 'DIE!|Well..' lv_ask
if $lv_ask = 1
guiquit dir.gc
; the pop-up on double-click guis have been moved to file guis:dir/dir.g2